Jones Point Lighthouse

The lighthouse is located south of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge in Alexandria, Virginia along the shore of the Potomac River. Interestingly, it sits near the early boundary markers for the city of Washington, DC. In its time, Jones Point Lighthouse was a functioning marker along the river. Today, the building is unoccupied but remains a landmark visited by locals. It sits right along The Mt. Vernon Trail, a popular biking, running and dog walking pathway running north/south to Mt. Vernon.

I was introduced to the Jones Point Lighthouse via images by my “photo friends.” Once I visited with my camera, I was enthralled with the building, its fences and lovely site along the river. I kept returning, sometimes more than once a week. Images in this gallery were made after I had visited for many months. In the beginning my images captured broad scenes but now they are focused in closer to see more details. The gallery will continue to grow with more visits and images.




Museum Musings